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3128310421 Spare Parts BUSHING HALF

About us: We are a company specialized in manufacturing and selling aftermarket spare parts for mining construction machinery. Over the years, we have been committed to providing efficient, reliable, safe and environmentally friendly construction machinery products and services for the mining industry. We are one of the core spare parts and aftermarket spare parts suppliers of Sandvik and Epiroc brands.   In terms of manufacturing construction machinery, we mainly produce and sell drilling rig core components, drilling feed spare parts, chassis spare parts, sealing kits, retrofit kits and original spare parts. We have an excellent production team and adopt the most advanced production technology and equipment to ensure that the product quality and quality meet the highest standards. In addition, we also have a professional and efficient team during sales and installation to ensure that customers' needs and after-sales services are fully met.   We also attach importance to the aftermarket service of spare parts for mining construction machinery, selling accessories of brands such as Sandvik and Epiroc, and we provide spare parts to customers at an extremely fast speed. When customers use spare parts, the problem of accessories is quickly resolved.   Our company has an excellent management and sales team with rich industry experience and superb professional skills, focusing on technological innovation and service quality improvement. We also provide comprehensive technical consultation and services to provide customers with professional and efficient pre-sales and after-sales support.   In short, with the business philosophy of "customer first, quality first", we continue to improve service quality and are committed to providing customers with high-quality mining engineering machinery products and services. We believe that through our joint efforts and cooperation, we will create a better future together!   Here are some of our spare parts:  
55089267 3222331135 0661100016 5561847200
55089273 3222329498 0196155210 5573371500
81558479 3222329497 5337107700 5537443600
5537271000 002828-004 BG00207742 5537444300
09349124 013051-010 0663210061 5574288500
56003065 88188009 0661150067 5537444100
3217876200 55026546 0665700405 6060103352
3216655981 55084987 0665930039 3222348001
09359219 3222324961 0663210332 3222341506
04790728 5726500164 0192124400 3222340631
09349132 3222338361 3128259844 3222340273
507845 3222321529 0661150076 3222341497
3128089300 5726500160 9125693400 3222340274
3128078258 3222333510 0665080034 20888528
3125493780 3222323124 0663210367 26511761
3128045818 5726500161 0661150038 26498041
3115206400 3222338363 0661150068 26498042
3115238200 3222323125 9125664800 26438801
3115296890 5726500178 0665922401 3176002819
3115374400 5726500163 0665001025 3176002820
3115208400 3222336148 0663922900 3176003688
3115504300 3222328666 0665930044 3176003741
3115504312 5726500180 0196135800 56206419
3115504310 5726500157 0663211801 04697900
3115515200 3222333519 0663909900 BG01141165
3115082180 3222330149 56028644 246291
3222323209 5726500174 56031529 BG01546395
80196379 3222324915 56043242 001491-001
BR00043010 3222324781 56031537 001044-201
3128306256 2652330156 56031566 021181-001
3128309734 3217958420 5535627500 BG00787673
3128306383 3217886214 869.0261-00 BG01127113
3125198200 3222328497 874.1008-00 6060004880
89009051 3222314830 923.0379-00 BG01288059
3222320802 3222314238 442.7931-01 5541165900
3222320803 71199644 9126201100 5540960500
3222323245 55049577 5726500064 5540169400
0335117300 73150514 15276278 5541349700
3128064702 3222333796 507597 5540707800
3128055101 3222326654 55006375 5540493800
5112263507 3222304099 55006374 0147135703
3115176500 3222300855 55035824 0147136003
3115504501 3222290121 55006373 0147140903
3115212200 3222333479 4350261752 55205284
3115505001 3222326987 3092171104 3115348400
3115267000 3216719700 3092631634 3115383500
3115347400 3222320972 3092631336 0335217700
3115256200 3222315257 3092782300 0102046000
3115212900 3222329626 3092209394 3115915898
3115363501 3222311784 BG00208185 56203548
3115363502 1604084785 BG00208208 56016610
3115363503 3222306265 BG00208209 56050001
3115211800 3128307891 BG00210475 5724003559
3128078435 3128311448 55167903 5724003557
3115504405 3128313440 BG00210474 6060009317
3222318729 9106170233 5112304318 2657622300
5112322617 3217919306 5112304319 3222188153
3222326070 3222316810 3222340219 BG01139302
3115026200 3115347500 AF10510024 81129209
5112305243 77794282 04182262 81129469
5112305242 BR00044646 3222351454 AF11150005
3222330766 184722 6060014910 86540259
3115028600 184348 3222304937 52209540
3115028700 13512376 86751749 0147138203
3115504000 3216669600 70220761 3115204600
3115261720 13488718 15252308 BG01459287
3115173281 55176448 04563188 55099905
3115363500 55176449 88269629 29500280
3115504400 86564789 3176002614 29503670
3128312308 81836019 3128209998 BR00076846
3128312307 3176464304 3176003131 BR00062708
3128045801 3176000412 3128308731 BR00062710
3222309749 3176000406 3222989191 BR00077299
3128064703 3115103800 3217970811 56006654
3128055102 3222331653 9106144616 29503930
3128078197 BR00020997 9106144423 29503270
3128230103 BR00050633 9106144426 02774690
3125495280 3115169700 3217000029 02943590
3128003401 3115329100 9106144589 70212493
3128310378 3115321400 9106144590 70180412
3128301389 3115600346 3217000471 55003316
3128310598 15029999 3217000472 02772460
3128310472 11144249 506736 9106979605
3128310453 11144144 55189580 9106240977
3128310613 11144145 4350100135 3128308121
3128313405 11419510 4350265034 6060101859
3128045828 11145309 3217001107 2650616390
3128045824 11144127 3222332712 77022413
3125496880 11144128 3222334542 3222321481
09372181 17259280 3222334531 001003-002
56019415 17259281 3217882350 003837-056
06575011 17259282 0196155226 BG00243730
3115079701 11144130 3217001011 56208787
0501000016 11144131 3217001305 56049802
56016050 11145310 3176453103 AF00101228
3177307200 11144121 55037834 AF10730003
3177308500 11144101 55037835 81602109
3222314497 15090261 55086468 2657890444
502461 979255 55096894 2657686301
505825 979819 55005191 2657294829

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